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Hours: Monday to Friday 9am – 9pm and Saturdays 9am – 2pm

Parlez-vous Français? offers tailor-made programmes so that you get the most out of your lessons. Below are some examples of what we can offer you:


Exam programme – GCSE/A level

Oral: We will go through the oral exam topics and I will ask you possible questions you may be asked, and we will do some general conversation and role play practice. We will also practice pronunciation. Our aim is not only to have you speaking good French, but also sounding confident, well-prepared and natural for the exam.

Listening: We will listen to past listening exams, interviews, excerpts from TV and films, and songs. We will find material that you may be able to use in your exam, and also current and interesting to you. After listening we will do some comprehension exercises on what we have heard.

Reading: We will read articles from newspapers and magazines, and also text from books, poetry, letters and advertising to familiarise you with the different styles of writing. Again, we aim to find material that you can use in the exam. We will do comprehension exercises to ensure that you have fully understood the text. We will also do some French to English translations.

Writing: Grammar is very important for writing exams. We will go through any grammar aspects you are having difficulty with and revise the different tenses, irregular verbs, prepositions, etc. We will also do some English to French translations and go through some handy phrases that will make your essays look structured and polished.

Holiday French

We will mainly practice speaking and listening during these lessons, but we also offer reading and writing exercises for homework should you want some extra help.

Areas covered (dependent on level):

  • Basic greetings
  • Alphabet/pronunciation
  • Numbers, dates, times
  • At the restaurant/café
  • At the hotel
  • Shopping
  • Using public transport
  • Asking for directions
  • Basic requests
  • Useful vocabulary
  • Cultural tips

Children beginners

We will mainly use songs, games and short stories/text during children’s lessons. Speaking, listening, reading and writing will all be covered and lessons will be almost entirely taught in French so that they will absorb the language.

Areas covered:

  • Basic greetings
  • Alphabet pronunciation
  • Numbers, dates, time
  • About me
  • Family
  • Animals
  • Parts of the body
  • Food and drink
  • Weather and seasons
  • In the home
  • Clothing
  • Shopping
  • On holiday
  • Daily routine

Adult beginners

Adult beginners will follow similar topics to the children’s beginners but we will alternate weeks doing grammar and vocabulary, since I have found that many people know French words but don’t have the grammar to be able to form structured sentences. We will practice speaking, listening, reading and writing. Again, all programmes are specially adapted to your needs and level of French.